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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink

Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink 5 of 5 stars.
To be released August 1, 2010.

As sixteen-year-old Lia Milthorpe searches for a way to end the prophecy that has divided her family for generations, her twin sister Alice hones the skills she'll need to defeat Lia. Alice will stop at nothing to reclaim her sister's role in the prophecy and that's not the only thing she wants. There's also Lia's beloved, James.
The sisters always knew that the prophecy would turn their closest allies against them. But they didn't know what betrayal could lead them to do. In the end, only one sister will be left standing. (Book blurb)

It hasn't been long since we last saw Lia and Alice, determinedly on different sides of an ancient prophecy that could mean death and destruction for humanity. Now, Lia and the keys, Luisa and Sonia, must make a terribly dangerous journey to a mystical land in order to find out where the missing pages of the prophecy are hidden. They face horrifying dangers along the way, but nothing could prepare them for the betrayal within their own group.

Even while Lia is desperately searching for a way to save the world as the only Angel the prophecy has seen for centuries, Alice is pulling Lia's beloved James closer and closer. Nothing seems sacred in the battle to Lia anymore, but she cannot afford worrying about James in the face of all that is happening. Luckily, a dashing young man by the name of Dimitri sweeps in as the perfect distraction. But Lia's emotions are not that simple and this exotic man along with the battle to the death she surely faces with her sister Alice only makes her realize how little she really does know about herself. Her only hope is that she can figure it all out before its too late.

Guardian of the Gate is a wonderful second novel in this action packed series. Michelle Zink leaves nothing out as she continues the story of Lia and Alice in her fine and suspenseful prose. I was happy to see the added layers and new characters in the story. It made things more interesting and provided extra insight into Lia's psych. Watching her grow as a character has been a wonderful ride.

I was so excited to get a copy of this book in advance, and I was not disappointed. There is so much more action, adventure, and romance fueling this second book that it is hard to even compare it to the stunning first novel. I enjoyed the new character Dimitri and all of the different facets he offered to the tale. I think he is one of my favorite characters in the series so far.

Overall, Guardian of the Gate is a wonderful Gothic thriller full of everything a good novel needs. I would suggest this series to anyone, though I would not advise you to read this second book until you have read the first. I cannot wait until the third novel is released!

To pre-order Gaurdian of the Gate from Amazon.com please click here.

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prophecygirl said...

Excellent review. I got Guardian of the Gate this week, and I'm so excited to read it. Glad you liked it!

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