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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday!

This Wednesday, I'm waiting on Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink. I adored Prophecy of the Sisters and am so excited for the second book in Zink's trilogy. She left it at such a cliffhanger, its torture waiting on this next book. Luckily we won't have too much longer to wait, as its being released August 1, 2010!

"The ultimate battle between sisters is nearing, and its outcome could have catastrophic consequences. As sixteen year-old Lia Milthorpe searches for a way to end the prophecy, her twin sister Alice hones the skills she'll need to defeat Lia. Alice will stop at nothing to reclaim her sister's role in the prophecy, and that's not the only thing she wants: There's also Lia's boyfriend James.

Lia and Alice always knew the Prophecy would turn those closest to them against them. But they didn't know what betrayal could lead them to do. In the end, only one sister will be left standing." Goodreads.com

Click here to pre-order Guardian of the Gate from Amazon.com

Happy Wednesday,
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Michelle Zink said...

Thanks so much for posting Guardian as your WoW, Arya! I'm flattered, especially since you have such great taste in books, and I so appreciate your spreading the word.

It makes every difference.


Kim said...

Great book! I still need to read the first one hehe. I keep putting it off, and returned it to the library. Oh well, this gives me a great excuse to buy a copy! xD

Michelle Zink said...

Hope you enjoy it, Kim!


(Arya) Paige said...

No prob, Michelle! And thanks for following. =)


It is awesome, Kim! I think you'd like it. =)


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